UPDATE, June 11, 2020:
The FBI has re-opened the case and is offering a reward of up to $100,000 to anyone who has information about Alonzo’s disappearance. If you know something, please call the FBI at 816-512-8200 or 816-474-TIPS or submit a tip online at tips.fbi.gov.
The Mysterious Death of Alonzo Brooks
by Susan Gonzalez and Paul Fecteau
Sept. 5, 2010

On a remote back road in Linn County, a desolate farm house and the woods and creek that surround it hold a secret about the death of a young man. On an April night in 2004, this remote setting may have witnessed the foulest of deeds. A group of young people probably know what happened but to this day remain as silent as the trees that flank that forlorn creek.
Those young people came together at that rural home a couple miles outside of La Cygne in east central Kansas on the night of April 3 for a party. Quite a few of the guests came from out of town, including two carloads that made the trek down from the Kansas City suburb of Gardner. One of the young men in one of those cars was a 23-year-old African-American named Alonzo Brooks. He was one of only a few blacks at the party.
Brooks had graduated from Topeka High and moved to Gardner to work for his stepfather’s janitorial company. He had a reputation for being mild-mannered and good humored. He often babysat his nieces and nephews. He occasionally spoke of one day owning a farm.
On the night of the party, he dressed in a short-sleeved dress shirt, jeans, boots and a hat. His ride pulled up around eight. A white kid named Edward Smith, who accompanied Brooks that night, had long been a close and trusted friend.
At the party, Smith and Brooks remained together most of the time. Smith recalls nothing out of the ordinary. He and Alonzo talked, drank, danced a little, and got high.
Some time between midnight and one, Smith decided he wanted to go home. He called Brooks over and the two huddled beneath a tree, talking about what to do. Brooks decided he wanted to stay and could get a ride back with the other car that had come down from Gardner. Smith told him to have fun then drove home.
The next morning, Smith phoned Brooks and was shocked to hear his mother say that her son had not returned. Staying out all night was out of character for Alonzo. Worried, Smith immediately drove back to La Cygne. He walked into the farm house and quizzed the party’s hosts. They had not seen Alonzo, they said. When Smith returned to Gardner, he continued to try to contact kids who had been at the party. The owner of the other car that had gone to the party from Gardner confirmed that he had promised Alonzo a ride home--a promise he was unable to fulfill because he had left the party to get cigarettes and gotten into an accident.
Alonzo’s family notified the Linn County Sheriff’s Department, and in the days that followed their investigation did little to settle anyone’s fears. Party-goers provided sketchy information regarding a fight that may have taken place around 3 or 4 a.m. Some said racial slurs were hurled. Deputies visited the party house and nearby found Alonzo’s hat and boots. In the ensuing weeks, the F.B.I. joined the investigation because of the implications that Alonzo had been targeted because he was black. Kansas City Star reporter John Dvorak went to La Cygne and found the townspeople reluctant to believe that any of that hatred could be homegrown. They pointed to a rumor circulating that the authorities had a suspect who came from Nebraska.
Smith learned little else from the kids who had stayed at the party that night and turned his attention to helping the family in its efforts to keep Alonzo’s disappearance in the public eye. Kansas City mayor pro-tem Alvin Brooks, no relation to Alonzo, and his anti-crime group Move Up got involved. Family members circulated T-shirts and posters that bore Alonzo’s picture and the phrase “Lost but NOT Forgotten.”
The authorities conducted six searches of the land surrounding the party house. Low-flying helicopters buzzed the tree tops. Sherriff’s deputies marched through the brush shoulder to shoulder. Cadaver-sniffing dogs were brought in. Divers from Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery explored the muddy bottom nearby of Middle Creek. These efforts produced nothing. No more searches were planned.
On May 1, with Alonzo gone nearly a month, more than fifty family members and friends, many from Topeka, arrived to conduct their own search. They outfitted themselves in orange vests, passed out walkie-talkies, and prepared for a long day. It took less than an hour, however, before they discovered Alonzo’s body.
A group approached Middle Creek and saw the body lying on a tangle of brush.
The remains were transported to Shawnee County where seasoned pathologist Dr. Erik Mitchell performed the autopsy. He found nothing indicating that Brooks had suffered any fatal wounds. His report listed the cause of death as undefined. Not all aspects of his findings have been made public.
Linn County Sheriff Marvin Sites initially declared that Brooks had been murdered, but a few days later retracted that statement and stipulated that his office was conducting a death investigation. The location where the body was found had been previously searched numerous times, Sites acknowledged. His account of how the body wound up where it did was a little cryptic: “Nature had to take its course,” he said.
The subsequent investigation seemed to stall quickly. The F.B.I. ceased its involvement due to lack of evidence that a hate crime had been committed. The case slipped from the headlines. Edward Smith was left to muse over what might have happened to his best friend, and Alonzo’s family had to go on with a hole in their lives where their loved one had been.
Now, over six years later, their loss remains as painful as ever, but Alonzo’s friends and family have not given up hope. Neither has current Linn County Sheriff Barry Walker. The investigation remains active and buoyed by the chance that someone who was at the party that terrible night will put aside whatever fear or misplaced loyalty might be preventing him or her from coming forward.
If you have any information that could help, please call the FBI at 816-512-8200 or 816-474-TIPS or submit a tip online at tips.fbi.gov.
The Brooks family will be providing updated information at www.alonzobrooks.com and via the Facebook group Justice for Alonzo Brooks.
Editor’s Note: The name “Edward Smith” has been used to conceal the privacy of the individual to whom it refers.
1 – 200 of 498 Newer› Newest»Were there ever any suspects' name released?
Not officially.
i lived in linn county and know all about this and i hate that this happened to him and his family. i heard alot about this from the inside and that is bad what those people did to him.
This story should be told to a national tv show like Dateline NBC, and CBS 48 hours to help catch the killers of Alonzo Brooks.
Yes I wish it would be put on the national tv shows. For the people that know anything about it, it has been too long to keep this quiet. Please tell Your information to the authorities.
well if you have heard rumors as to what happened to him maybe you have heard something the authorities have not and should contact them and let them know what you have heard.
So if you live there then you know how the local authorities had handle the case from the very beginning and if you could find it in your heart to come forward and let the authorities know what information you do have or heard. If you are afraid and I know some people who lived there at the time were afraid for their selves and their family then take it to State level you can be anonymous.
The truth will come out. Some cases take longer they will find the indiviuals who did this to Alonzo. Did they ever take DNA did they check for other evidence on his clothes. So be ready fools the law will get you soon.
What is the name of the suspect from Nebraska. Was his name published. If the law did it then the law will also arrest them soon.
This is a shame this had to happen to him and this is coming straight from the heart i knew Alonzo personally. being around the family alot during those days this happened and to read what the FBI and investergaters where doing to me nuthang was ever done. Reaching deep in my heart and I feel at the time 6yrs ago under different department heads of the Sheriff and maybe sum of the people in Linn Co that they knew at the party, this happened within there own. How does a body show up a month later in the same spot where 100's of people walkd and searched for him. So even after reading this story i feel this is still short handed wheres the investagating at no disrespect but its like its been closed up and a done deal. someone knows who did this and i believe Linn CO Sheirff Dept. needs to look into there own.
I'm from Gardner and although didn't k now Alonzo my sister was friends wth his brother. This was a horrible thing to happen and it hasn't been forgotten. I believe some people from Gardner know exactly what happened.man up and stop being chicken shit and spill the beans. His family deserves to know what happened. To the person who said they have heard what happened from people who witnessed it, if you do no not come forward u ate just as guilty and cowardly as the people who murdered him. Break ur ties to these people and come forward
If YOU do not come forward YOU are just as guilty as the murdered. How can you look yourself in the eyes?
I agree, if You fear that you could get hurt telling what You know, You should take it to the state level. The investigation it self was bungled by the Sheriff. It shouldn't matter who did it, they should have to be made held accountable for what they did to Alonzo. He never hurt anyone and for someone to do what they did to him does not have a heart. Please if You have a heart contact the KBI.
Exactly what was done to him? I know it was a hate crime. I can't imagine what he went through knowing the person didn't like the color of his skin so didn't give a shit about what they did to him. It is too bad people that knows what happen don't come forward to try to help rid this world of such hate. Apparently the color of his skin means nothing to You either.
God Bless Alonzo's family, my prayers are with you. I think the police should have at least arrested the person who threw the party. However, we are talking about Linn County aren't we, where they stick together even when in the wrong. I find it sickening to think none of them have a conscience and I hope Alonzo haunts them every night!
When it comes to someone killing another because of their race or color of their skin the hate is so great that they don't have a conscience. I'd hate to think all of Linn county or Lacygne, even the people of Gardner that knows what happened to Alonzo feel the same way that they can't give their information at least to the FBI. God forbid nothing Like this happens to Your family members.
Happy Birthday Alonzo. you would have been 32 if some cowards POS wouldn't have taken Your life!
we love and miss you so much its okay because your with god and im just glad that your ina safe and better place. then family prays everyday and we will continue to pray
the police in that county did nothing to help at all. zo was a great guy and an even better friend i was blessed with the opportunity to be one of his closest friends. i drove him to this party and i know that someone from this party knows what happened to my friend. pull your heads out of your asses and help his family and all of us in his extended family get the answers we need and so we can put the animal or animals away who took an amazing man with the world in front of him away from us. i love you zo and miss u i know your watching over us
I too was at the party that night and frequently think about it. From time to time I'll google his name to see if anything new has transpired. I'm glad to see that this thread is alive and well after so many years.
I felt I gave credible information to the KBI on at least 2 occasions and still the investigation went no where. There are two people in particular from that night that I believe carry some amount of guilt. Time will tell.
I know how it is when u go to a party together and u not from that town. Everbody u came with stick together and don't let the people u came with leave your sight. So all im saying is someone who came with him knows what happen. And for whatever reason hasent came forward. So I hope whoever knows is overwhelmed with guilt and will stop being a bitch and say something to give my homies family some closher. RIP ZO! I love you blood! Suwoo! This is Levi Clark
Anonymous 2/27/13
You say You was his closest friend and You drove him there. Why did You leave him? I believe you knew what was going to happen and you left to save Your own ass. You as well as everyone else at that party knew and knows what happened to Alonzo. You didn't deserve a great friend like Alonzo, trusting You is what got him killed. That's why You're not talking either! Love You Alonzo
I believe that the individuals that he went to the party with know what happened to him. You cannot go to a party and then just leave your friend because you supposedly cannot find him. Someone knows something and I have talked to one of those friends that knew him and was there that night and he knows more than he is saying. Come on people quit being so scared, the Sheriff at the time is dead now so quit protecting those involved because you think there is reprecussions. It is Kansas for heaven sakes what boogy man do you think is going to come get you.
Oh and I have reported what I know to the KBI so if you told someone something that gave detail into certain parts of that night you better think about coming forward. The KBI already knows that you know something and you neve rknow you could take the blame for something that you knew about, but maybe didn't actually commit the act. I am just saying you cannot just sit tight with your lips closed because ultimately you could be blamed for it and you really didn't do it, but those who did use you as an escape goat.....THINK ABOUT IT!!!
Why don't they go to the FBI?
Thr Elams and family need ro be questioned as well as the shacklefords ....... and family connected ro the diner next or barrets automotive. why isn't anything said about hisbody being freezer burnt. someo.
I still can't believe this has happen to him . I grew up with alonzo and his sisters. Alonzo was alwayz a good friend to me. and loved his family so much I remember when we was younger we use to alwayz get stuck babysit for his sisters and my cussing. and it a shame that his nephews and nieces, will never it to have that time to bond with there uncle. and he loved them so much. it's a shame he did not get to see them grow . Love always your gurl veronica you will never be forgotten
I have always wondered why this case was left to go cold when pretty much everyone in this town knows someone who was involved or some aspect of their involvement. Come on it's LaCygne, the whole town knows what your doing or have done within a matter of hours. This was nothing but a hate crime against a black boy who hit on a white girl at a party. I pray that Someday someone will open this up and take a look into it and get justice for this family. Everyone knows whose freezer he was kept in before they took the body back to the search area after the cops were done searching. It's because of who is involved that people are too afraid to come forward and get involved. You better believe if it was one of their kids they would be fighting for justice to be done.
Today marks 10 years that my nephew was taken from his mom,brother and sisters and of course the entire family. I got a call from my mom (Alonzo's GMA)at work telling me that my sister called and said he hadn't gotten home from a party he attended on Saturday night. I told my mom oh he'll show up, taking the matter very lightly. Later that day I was told that my nephew and nieces were headed to the town that the party was held to get information from anyone that might know where he might be. After hearing this I knew there was more to it than him not coming home so some of my other brothers and sister along with myself headed to my sisters house in Gardner. When we arrive I knew then it was very serious from the reaction I received from my sister (Alonzo's mom). Although Alonzo was of age he is still my sister's baby. It hurts to see any of my siblings hurt but this hurt was different, a hurt I never thought any one of us would ever have to go through. I guess I never knew really the hate we have in this world. You hear about this stuff somewhere else, some where in a small town. Yea that's right a small town, that's where Alonzo went to and where he was murder. Today I came to this site one because it's been 10 years and two to see if there were new comments added. Yep there is and it amazes me what I've read and what some of you still hold as a secret because you are afraid. Let me start off by saying this. We are from Topeka Kansas and yes we have crime who doesn't and yes there are a few cold cases here too...this is the Capitol of Kansas but I know for sure not only here but in other big cities that we have more serious criminals that people are and were afraid of. But that didn't stop them from helping get these criminals locked up and out of their community. They just like you don't want them running thier streets or their lives. As you are allowing them to do to yours. So heres a thougt Linn County citizen take back your community and take back your lives and put whom ever did this away for along time. Why allow them to run your town, let alone your lives. Step up and let the authorities know what you may know. Yes they (authorities) might have already heard some of the information you have put out here and maybe not but no one knows unless you come forward and speak what you know. Why let these raciest POS run free and you run scare. I know for sure that Alonzo's family would greatly appreciate it. Now for the so call friend that took my nephew to this party. You might not of physically did him harm but you put him there knowing what kind of POS people were there. You call yourself a true good friend, no friend would of left anyone there knowing how these POS people were reacting to his presents unless you had a motive. In which some of the rumors that we heard about your involvment are true. I think you need to get your head out of your A@# and realize you are nothing but a POS as well. You claim to care, I beg to differ. I was the Aunt that allow you into my sister's house before the vigil we held in Gardner. If I knew then who you were, yes I would of still let you in but who's to say you would of left walking....God was looking out for you that day. Your story changed every time your were questioned by the family and the authorities. WHY? I wish for you and all involve that you all die of a slow painful death. For those who has not come forward I hope you don't ever need someone to help you or your family out in a situation like this and no one comes to your aid. I also wish this ways on your conscience and you lose sleep until you come forth. Remember KARMA is a B#$%^!
To Alonzo we love and miss you very much and I know you are watching over your family and having a great time with the family in heaven. Oh how we miss your smile and hyperness. I will always remember you so little and doing flips and saying one day you will own your own McDonalds. One day we will see justice and one day my sister and her children will have closure. Give the family that closure. As always I love you Alonzo
I am a black man from the area which isn't to far from lacyne. And i take the whole matter very serious. I hate the fact what happen and i want justice for aAlonzo. I no long live in the area and have long since moved. I heard of a lot of suspectsbut the line county police have something to do with it as well. They will keep it hush hush
Donnie Abel
So many, especially from the party held the night he was murdered know what happened. For the love of God step forward. Free your mind.
Is Logan a name to look into from the party?
He hurried back to Nebraska. I have always believed he knew more.
Yes their is definitely a cover up. You were there yet they won't listen.
Thank you for this information as painful as it is.. it shows the cover up
Thank you an those with this kind of information please tell some one outside of ks authority. The family needs peace. Zoe was loved..
I believe you know more than what you are saying I am my brothers keeper
autopsy never said anything about freezer burn
Who's GOD do they serve? Because my GOD in some mysterious way will make you pay
you can tell the media without being identified on your identityI'm pretty sure the f_b_i not the k_b I has a hotline you to call l
To bad one has passed on maby his other half never felt the same way there were only 2 cops in charge at the time and one mutt of a search dog I remember a female cop brought it to the search area
Was Justin from Gardner, Baldwin or where?
I can get this on the News for you . Just contact me please
How are we supposed to contact you, the anonymous person who commented on March 11th.
who did you email
You shouldn't place people's names on a subject of this magnitude if they have been proven innocent. It's defamation of character for the individual, and not fair to the family and friends of the victim.
I can tell you for sure that the "Shackleford" you are referring to was not there that night. I would know because I WAS there for most of the party. You people are just throwing names out there. Queers
Jerry Boone. Everything I hear points to that POS
Jerry B. from LaCygne
Jerry from LaCygne.
You need to contact them and get the story out if you know something!!! They commented below that they have no way of getting ahold of u!
I hope if you know this for sure that u give these names to the authorities!!
I hope if you know this for sure that u give these names to the authorities!!
I lived in La Cygne when this happened. I knew a guy who went to the party that night. When I seen him the next morning he looked a bit beat up as if he had been in a fight. I asked him what happened and he said he got in a fight but didn't know who the other person was. It was later that day that I heard there was a missing black man from that party. I knew he had something to fo with the missing guy. I know people were questioned from the KBI, but this guy was questioned 11 times. A part of me has always believed he had something to do with it. That guy was a different person after all that went down in La Cygne and I know he's been carrying around a secret since then.
Please message me on Facebook go to justice for Alonzo Brooks page.
Does this guy still live there? Could you message me on Facebook on Justice for Alonzo Brooks page.
The people who were there know. They know because they were told keep your mouth shut or we'll do the same to you. The one night I wasn't at a party this happened. From a town that small just a name can scare anyone to keep quiet...including the entire Prairie View District. You'd be surprised at what all is being covered up...and why. But I have a very good feeling some things are about to turn up...and this whole thing will be solved...just trying to find the right authorities who don't have family in higher up spots...
Let me just assure you that Alonzo's family knows no one in a higher spot. But I can tell you this I will do whatever I can to keep you safe if and when you come forward. Listen it will come out the truth that is and even in 2004 I thought the world has change with hatred and scare statics but as a family member out it, it's call bulling and we all want it to stop so don't let these town people bully you any longer. It's time to change your town and the people who live there. These kinds if people have taken your town as hostage one too many days it's time your generation change it and take it back and make it a loving town not known as a hick racist town. But please get a hold of me and we can talk and I can help with the resources I have. Thank you!
Just because a town is small does not mean that everyone knows. the people who done this probably kept a tight lip on it because racism is looked down on in LaCygne. I knew of only one racist kid who moved to my town and he had to fight every day because people wanted to bet the shit out him. as far as Jerry Boone goes, he is my Neighbor and has been for years. Jerry is not racist or ever was. He is a grouch to some but not a racist. Who ever did this wouldnt open up. the reason why Lacyngers dont suspect someone from Lacynge is because Racism is taboo here, its hated. It was emberising to a lot of people here to be called racist after this matter. for sure who ever did this if they are down here wont tell anyone from here because he will probably get shot for being a bigot. I hope they do get catch because i would love to pull the lever on who ever did it.
Pat Boone
If you think you know something you should go to the police not slander people's names on the internet. This is completely ridiculous.
I was told that week by a girl at the party that everyone there knew what happened then she smirked and walked off. I never seen her aftt buyears ago named Big John that told my brother, his cell mate, that he was in there for Alanzo's murder.
Needs national attention!
Devin....what the hell kinda fantasy town are u describing??? Lacygne is filled with nothing BUT racist people. I'm sure the whole 2 black/mixed families that lived there can tell u that. I would know...I lived in lacygne my whole life. I know these people and I know how they are. Trust me, racism is alive and well in LaCygne, ks
It was the Boones Brothers because of their little sister and Judge's son was involved. and the current sheriffs dept helped in hiding the info.. everyone knows it, just no one does anything at least that is what has been said..... hmmmmmm
Anonymous april 5 2015 @ 710pm. If your brother was told information about Alonzo by someone that was there personally then he needs to give his cellmates name and a record of the events that he was told. Alonzo Brooks family deserves justice and Alonzo deserves to b at peace from this world.
I heard about this from my grandmother. I never believed that such a small town Lacygne ks could be capable of such a awful crime. This mans family deserves justice.
I was at the party and didn't see anything. It would have had to have happened when the party started dying down is my guess. So not everyone there was guilty. How were we guilty when we didn't see or hear anything. My conscience is clear. I wish I could have helped more with the investigation. Condolences to the family and friends. Couldn't imagine the pain and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Ever. RIP, Alonzo.
Get real, bro. Do you honestly believe that EVERYONE there knew something about this and not a SINGLE SOUL would say something. I was there. I saw nothing. No one told me to be quiet about anything. I'm not scared of anyone in that town. We're not all racists nor do i believe even a considerable ammount of the town is. What you are saying is ignorant. And screw anonymous. I've been questioned about that night and told KBI all I knew which wasn't shit. Autopsy says no evidence of foul play and nothing about a body being freezer burnt. It's a horrible thing that happened and my deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Alonzo.
You need to shut your mouth. Sounds like to me your defending your friends that don't deserve defending. He did not drowned! He was murdered and his family deserves answers!!!!
There were pretty much two parties going on that night. One room, which is where I remember seeing Alonzo in, was full of a bunch of people smoking weed and playing drinking games or something of that nature. And in another room you had a bunch of drunk high schoolers partying and just trying to have a good time. I didn't even know of a disappearance until that next Monday when I saw flyers at my school.
I also have heard the Boone brothers had something to do with it cause of their little sister.
Information that is posted is greatly appreciated. The family ask if anyone has information regardless if you were there or not....any information is something the authorities can use. Some keep saying oh he was getting high and drunk. Well what does one do at a party regardless if you like it or not. But he wasn't the only one who was...so get off that and quit trying to make an excuse. The bottom line is NO ONE deserve to be killed, beat up....you all made it home. It didn't sound like two different kind of party to me. To the one who posted he took his clothes off. How do you know did you see him go swimming? You sound like you saw more than others. Was someone taking attendance to know Jerry and Pat was there. It sounded like a big party with lots of people there according to done if the towns people. No the entire town wasn't there nor is the entire town racist but you can not tell me from a small town that there were no talking going on about it. Face it he was murder and he was murder in YOUR town and I must tell you all we are not going away until this is solve and someone is found guilty regardless if you believe it or not. I do thank you all. Like I said any and all information is greatly appreciated!
I live in La Cygne but I am older - even my kids are a bit older than the kids that were attending the party - I have heard many comments over the years from people who have no idea what happened - but many people here think someone knows something - I have found La Cygne to be no more - and sadly no less racist than anywhere else - I don't know if this happened because of his color - because I don't know what happened - it has always seemed very odd that he was found so easy and others couldnnt - if there wasn't foul play - why would the body be moved - if it was - and I am not sure it matters - but about half of my family is white and half is black. - I would love for there to be answers for this family - if that were my son I would be broken hearted. I do know justice isn't always there for people that are not important to the people in charge - be it because of their skin color - or perhaps just social standing or because they are poor. This is not the only young man I know of that died suspiciously and somehow the story just dies and people move on - Some of us do not forget.
I have heard nothing about the boone's being involved but someone closer to Alanzo's age who was involved with a girl that was being flirted with . I am from mound city. It is a shame this had to happen, I feel awful for the family of Alanzo. This does not mean all people from this county are " hicks " or " rednecks", I am worried about this nice town getting an awful reputation yet this case must be solved!!! I would definitely disregard the gossip about the Boone's being involved. As far as I know they perps were closer to Alanzo's age, and though the Boone's are rough , they are decent people. They way I have heard it is that it was a fight with a tragic ending and and accidental death, a desperate coverup in a fearful way for the persons high standing rep. Justice will be done I am sure and I pray the family receives closure. This would have been so
Much easier for everyone involved if there was honesty from the beginning. It's such a sad sad situation and my heart aches that they family has had to wait so
Long to find their closure.
I have heard the rumors and the Boone's names were never involved. And I have also heard the important detail of the body being stored in a influential figure of mc deep freeze. Think closer along the age of alanzo. Ya know someone who would have been at a teenagers party. Of coarse these are rumors of a small town.
For those of You saying it wasn't racist, why was it told to Alonzo's Family days after he went missing and by people that were at the party that Alonzo was running down the driveway followed by a truck with "white boys" saying "we are going to kill us a nigger tonight"?
That is awful. Ignorance...
Dateline on own or Dateline on NBC might take a look at this case ..
What's his name?
Has anyone contacted dateline or 48 hrs. There is a new show on Friday nights called cold justice. They go to rural small towns this might fit in for them.
I would contact the show cold justice it's on Friday nights on tnt . They go in to small towns and investigate. The lead lady is former prosecutor from Texas kelly siegler and csi investigator Yolanda mcclary from Las Vegas. I believe this will be one they may do.
Contact TNT cold case. They'll pick this cold case up.
Cold justice on TNT fri nights. This is exactly what these kelly siegler prosecutor from Dallas does in these small rural towns. Contact them.
Anonymous 10/12/14 @ 307 pm. How cold & callous can you be to insinuate Alonzos' friend is hiding something. You're the true meaning of "Jerk". Walk in his mocassins, imagine taking your friend to a party & this happening to you. Probably hard cuz mist jerks don't have good friends, clearly that's the case here, u can't empathize because u don't have a good heart! Darkness, dank, foul & cruel. Your aura!
This is so sad I pray for this family to continue being strong . I grew up hearing stories about LaCygne, ks my mother grew up there and it was only by God's will that my family moved out of there. It was a terrible child hood full of racism, her stories brings me to tears even now because no child should have to grow up around such hate and I doubt very seriously that much has changed even now and yes by now I'm sure Everyone in that town knows what happened but no one is going to tell on there own. To the friend that drove him there, keep praying God knows your heart it's not your fault forgive your self.
I grew up in Linn County and let me tell you,there was a LOT of covering up going on by the sheriff's office in this case. And you are right, they do take care of their own,even if it is wrong. It is also a well known fact that African American people were not that welcome in Linn County. I think this should be turned over to the show, Cold Case. Then maybe the sheriff's office would be shown for what it is. God rest his soul.
You people..If you know something you can call the TIPS hotline and remain anonymous. What if it were your brother, cousin or friend? There could be a cash reward for information. Another incentive. How can anyone of you live with yourself and not come forward?? This is why the world is getting worse! Sad..very sad!
All you kids know what happen to my cousin. GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY. Killed an innocent person all because of his beautiful skin color. You kids are cowards . I said I would never comment on here but all these people claiming they don't know nothing and all the kids say question this person and that person. HOW ABOUT YOU COME FORWARD AND TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. How do any of you sleep at night and you know exactly what happen to my cousin. But i will tell all you kids 1 thing. We will get justice for my cousin.
Please come forward and give this family peace. Do the right thing!
Everyone in LaCygne says it was the Boone family. Theu are very established in LaCygne and basically get away with anything. Even murder. They are very well known for being incredibly racist. Nobody ever says it was someone from Nebraska around here. We all just know that the Boones probably did it because they all are party animals. They based the majority of their lives off of when the next party is. They are an incredibly racist and corrupted family.
I heard that the Boones dragged him with their truck down the road then put him in the freezer until the cops were done searching and when they thought it was safe they dumped the body. My uncle was a cop around there and arrested a couple of the Boones multiple times. He says they psychotic and racist. Not sure why their name would constantly be circulating if some part of it wasnt true.
Racism in a small "all white" town? There's no question about it. Sounds like everyone knows who did this. Can't believe no one has been arrested or charged. When will he get the justice he deserves?!
I live in Mound City just 15 miles from where it happened and I always heard it was Pat Boone as well. I also found it very ironic that he "found God" right after all this happened!
Sheriff Stites was a disgusting human being. I have no doubt that he knew & covered it up. My family member died while in his jail, under his management. He is a horrible person who I have all faith is resting in Hell. I hope someone uncovers something to bring this family peace and answers.
Why hasn't the KANSAS Attorney General not been involved? It would just make sense their office would be interested in this case. I'm sorry for the family of Alonzo & for Alonzo for being murder at the hands of ignorance. Reading all of this makes me SO ashamed for being a Kansan.
Everyone knows mr.abel has something to do with it. Why refuse to take a lie detector test if your innocent.
I hope the FBI, Police etc see your comment and trace your IP address. You need to come forward, if you don't your a coward and god will deal with you.
I hope the FBI, Police etc see your comment and trace your IP address. You need to come forward, if you don't your a coward and god will deal with you.
keep this thread alive. i hope someone has been keeping a collection of these comments. i'm from kansas and ran across this, i think about it constantly and keep checking back to keep up with the comments. something very disturbing about this cold case. this case needs to be reinvestigated.
I was leaving the party when this was taking place, however, I don't remember seeing Alonzo running up the driveway. I remember it as a couple of drunk kids laughing, joking, and showboating their ignorance. The guys I knew were Gardner guys. They have always been loud-mouth jackasses.. Honestly, I didn't think anything of it. I gave my statement to KBI, was interviewed twice, gave them the names, and followed up when I heard tbe one fella fled to Nebraska. Nothing ever came of it.. it's frustrating!
We love you and miss you. You have Juan P up there with you now lol. We miss you guys every day, you will never be forgotten.
Love, Your Niece
Amen lonzo was a great friend someone knows something give his family closer us friends can wait but his family needs closer
I hope one day soon the family gets the closure they need and no one more in then world but for lonzo to finally rest his soul I remember this like yesterday I think any of us remember it from Gardner as that town it's self was well against our few blks but I think EVERYONE and ANYONE needs to take this back In the light and get this case reopended and justice served..
As someone who lived in the area, and went to this school district i can tell you personally that racism exists there. Racism was the reason i left Prairie View. The teachers there at the time were nothing but bigoted pieces of crap! Not all of them, but a lot of them. Some of the kids i went to school with were the same way. They like to say things behind your back, but cowards when it was time to face up. My mother was raised there also, and she would not let me sleep over at any friends houses inside LaCygne. When we all heard about what had happened to that man the first thing out of my mother's mouth was i bet it was the Boone boys. It's funny that when reading all of this this name is brought up so much! I never knew any Boones except a teacher i had. I am black myself so when i heard this it sent a shiver down my spine because they only thing i could think was this could have happened to me.
This is so sad. I wasn't there nor do I live anywhere near LaCygne, KS. After reading this, it totally sounds like a cover up. I'm sure there are people out there that know what happened, PLEASE STOP hiding and reveal the truth. This is a life we are talking about....a precious life.
I believe this case needs some national attention, and not just the likes of rural KS & the KC networks that may have covered the story at the time, before it was swept under the rug.
This is a sad, sad, sad, world we live in...there is just no regard for human life.
This nation as a whole needs help.
I pray justice & closure for Alonzo and his family. God Bless.
All I know is anyone who had to do with the death of my bestfriend I promise I am coming
Has Cold Case ever got involved yet? they need to.
I dont personally know anyone from la cyne other than few clients i used to take care of. I traveled there daily for almost a year and would be at moons or caseys and would hear people say the "n word" just right out in public with no shame.
This is the kind of crap you see in movies, small town secrets,........many people know the truth but don't have the balls to speak up. Just as guilty as the murderung thug or thugs that took this young mans life. That freaking town is a soap opera, just walk into the local diner......wake up people! How can you justify letting someone you know modern anither human being? Sickening!
I never go near hat town without packing heat, and I am white. Meth heaven usa....,
I lived in Gardner at the time and all I remember was Donnie Abel was the main suspect.
And, during and after high school in Gardner, I remember hearing about Donnie Abel and how he was this piece of shit from a different town. Then this happened and then a few years later I met him at a party in Olathe and it turned out he was a complete piece of shit. He showed up to the party and the whole vibe changed and then he started a fight with a Marine friend of mine and the party ended. I think he at least knows something or was involved.
hope he gets justice. it's long over due, very sad.
Wow just reading this he was drunk and high must have decided to go swimming wow have you been questioned where is your heart he has a mother I know she loves him and misses him maybe you should give the kbi FBI etc the truth and allow her closure but reading your callous statement it's obvious that you feel some type of way and I just wonder why
This case is still open and is gathering new information and momentum. Hopefully more people will come forward to add to this case and bring closure to family and friends. Regardless of what you know or why you are "blogging" on this post, the fact is that a young man went out one night to have fun thinking he was going to come back home. No one ever (no matter what) deserves to be chased down in fear for their lives. This has been going on for years now. Please if you know anything, even if it seems so small, contact the proper authorities. Many things already gathered as evidence only need verification. You could be the person who does that.
14 years what kinda momentum we talking? Social media has drastically changed why don't u try something new and put it out there again? because I have seen nothing,didn't hear of anything.so who the hell else has?? Don't seem like they are trying that hard to get verification.
Yea u know something as well. Get it off your chest and tell the right people. Unless your a coward like the rest who know and don't tell. Karma's a b!tch.
Jerry boone pat boone and the other fucked up son along with sheriff Stites, and sheriff filla are the ones responsible for Alonzo death Jerry and Stites r unfortunately dead and they deserve to be but the others were coming
Where was the party at that night, and where his body found? Need specific locations pls
Where was the party at that night, and where his body found? Need specific locations pls
The patty was at a house in LaCygne Kansas not far from the creek. His body was found not far from the house near the creek bed a month after he went missing. It was not far from the house. Where the party was at. If you have any details and want to provide information but remain anonymous you can email me at coldcasetips4@gmail.com I am one of the authors of this article.
You shouldn't just throw names out there unless you have proof they were involved. You may not like the Boone's but that doesn't mean they are guilty.
This story breaks my heart! I do not know the family or anyone involved but my heart goes out to you. My boyfriend is a cold case murder and I understand the hurt. It's been 6 very long years and my heart still hurts.i am praying for you all and for answers on what happened.
You know those who know what happend should really come forward and be honest and tell what happened. Or at least call in anonymously and tell what happend. No one will know you said anything. Please give this family some peace on what happend to their child. God know if anything happened to you your parents would be the same way. Looking for answers.
Can you email me please untoldcoldcases@gmail.com
Why don't you email me if you got some information. Untoldcoldcases@gmail.com
Story is missing some details as well. lzonos friend Smith, wanted to leave at about 1am because there was fight going on between Alzono and some of the party goes. When Lonzo walk back to that party as Smith left. He was yelling and arguing with guys at the party. I knew when I was leaving the party, that this was not good. Didn't think he would turn up dead.
No idea who did it. But I've from people that two theory.
Beat him to death, a group of guys, hide his body under a hay bale. Then put it back later to decompose and be "found".
2. Same set up, but his body was hide in a freeze by a friend of the guys and put back later. Maybe even someone who's owns the ice package place in La Cyange or did.
I've heard these stories years later. I still don't know the names of only of the people. Only the name of the people who told me these stories.
Supposedly, the guilty party later have fled to Colorado. This was many years ago. There are leads.
Everyone please know that Alonso Brooks murder case will be on Netflix July 1st. It will be the 1st episode of the series for Netflix. It is going to gain the National attention it deserves and I hope those involved or those who know something come forward. This family deserves Justice.
I heard Trinkle was involved in hiding his body.
Aren't the Boone brothers known for pulling guns on people just because they can?
I was in middle school when this happened. Im going to blast the names of the individuals who are in the rumor mill. In a small town like LaCygne usualy there is some truth to the rumors.
Jerry Boone -- Now deceased
Chris Trinkle - Still living.
Another part of the rumors is they hid Alonzo's body in the Family Cafe. Jerry's family has owned this business for years
I was at the bar in LaCygne one night. Jerrys Granddaughter was there she was way to drunk to be driving. I asked if I or another sober person could take her home.
She straight up told me I aint scared of no cop Jerry is my grandpa and he could get me out of anything even murder. Then she winked at me.
Somebody is going to mess around and get slander charges against them!!!
Never seen so much slander and lies in my life , along with a few threats !!
You must be one of the ones covering it up for these low lifes.
I keep hearing that people need to speak up but it sounds like a lot have. If the authorities are not taking action who do you speak up to? I hope outside agencies and media get involved and this gets attention it deserves. Then these people won't be able to hide with eyes of the country on them. I'm so very sorry to the family and I hope this gets solved no one should get away with taking a life. Ever.
That's great, exactly what this case needs. Bad guys watch out your time is up tic toc it's true what happens in the dark always comes to light
Anonymous, please share this info with the FBI if you haven't already. Even rumors sometimes have nuggets of truth in them.
Netflix is airing a documentary on Alonzo July 1st, 2020
I was told his body was stored in someone's freezer in their auto shop that they sold.
The Linn County Sheriff's office needs investigated. They took part in covering it up. The Sherriff at the time was a racist and helped cover it up! I have always been told that the Linn County Sheriff had their own set of laws and that things work differently down there. There are people in Lacygne and surrounding towns know something. Why don't they just come forward finally! Grow up and do the right thing! There is no way that many people were there and no one knows anything. Bullshit! Boone's and Trinkle need questioned and DNA taken from them!
Everone knows exactly who did it, I was not at the party, look at the local poachers, boone brothers
People have, it got coverd up
It's not a secret if you are in a surrounding town like me, I know the boone brothers did it,
Some of your comments are almost as bad as listening to the fat lady at the bar spreading the gossip like she spreads her legs! As much as everyone talks should be well known who was at the party or seen what happened. People that were there need to post who was there and what they saw instead of others stating what rumors they have heard. Get the facts out there!
I went to Jayhawk-Linn in Mound City, Logan is the only name we ever heard attached to the incident
The FBI has raised the reward for information to $100,000.
If you have any information please call the KC FBI at 816-512-8200 or the Tips Hotline at 816-474-tips.
Or you can leave a message at www.alonzobrooks.com and on Facebook at Justice for Alonzo Brooks.
You can find updates on these two pages from the family.
Thank you the Brooks and Ramirez Family.
As one of Alonzo's friends I want to personally thank you for keeping his memory alive. You guys reached out to people at the party looking into the case and you spoke with some of us about Alonzo and his story. You have done so much to keep his story alive and you deserve to be acknowledged for that. So Thank you for playing a big role in keeping his memory alive. You deserve a thanks.
What prison was this person named Big John in? Can you give us more information please
Your welcome. That's all we wanted and to hopefully help get justice. We have posted an update above and hope that anybody with information will contact the FBI with information and follow the contact information above.
If you are having trouble posting there is something happening when trying to post. Just keep trying I had to do this 3 times in order for it to finally publish.
Get em
Just a question shouldnt any one who was in the service and at the party. Shouldnt they have to take a lie detector test. There are a couple people there the enlisted after this happened they need to be questioned again
Its so obvious that this guy ^^^ is either a friend of or one of the boones.
I just seen the Netflix documentary, I was not in the states at time I was overseas in Iraq in 2004! But when I came home for leave, at a party years later , I remember people that were there talking about it as if everyone knew who did it , the th said it was the judge of linn co courts son , And he had help from good ol dad to get it covered up, and hear he even has a interracial relationship to take that part away from his motive!!!!! Very sad I've lived in linn co my whole life it is racist bulshit from the top down ........I'm praying this Netflix showing brings out someone that was there and been hiding that secret too long!
Start naming everyone at the party. Everyone! A lot of people on this thread have said “I was there”, or “my friend was there”.
Just name every single person that you saw or know for certain were there.
Where is this family restaurant with the freezer?
Just watched the UM on Alonzo's case. The Autopsy stinks to high heaven. Were there any hairs or fibers taken? any DNA? any fingerprints? That guy explaining the autopsy sounds absolutely useless or he was told to muddle it as much as possible. People can say they knew who did it all day long, but without hard evidence it's a rough outlook. I know it's painful, but is it possible to exhume the body? I'm glad this case is getting another look, and hopefully this time it will be a more competent and fair one.
Jacob Mills might know a thing about Pat boone and his brothers or the murder. Chris Trinkle is also known to party with the kids. I hear those boone brothers in the past would strap their hunting dog shock collars to POC.
locate the dog collars.
And if the Boone family didnt have a hand in it, why do the younger boones use it and their uncles as a bragging card?
as for the freezer, if its true the restaurant was located literally maybe a mile down the road. family cafe
Mandy Jenkins would brag about her uncles(Pat boone and brothers) being racist and making people disappear, she had a black friend she would get weed from and would take him to lacygne to mess with him, telling him the last guy ended up in the creek. or tell people she was going to "call her uncles" if she got upset. its well known. and they brag about it.
I agree with you about the autopsy. Mitchell sounded so bad explaining the autopsy and saying it was consistent with being in water when his mom clearly shows us his wallet was intact and all his papers. There was no dirt, no mud, and clearly not touched by water. That is a very disturbing part of this investigation.
Grown middle aged men who owned shops there and still do are known to still party with the high schoolers, only speaking from living there and being in school at the time.
Does anyone realize how many Boones there are in that town and how well they are connected? If they didn't have a hand in it the family wouldn't brag about it. Boones covered it up , even if it was their kids or friends that actually murdered him. And from knowing that the older Boones and other people mentioned before , those grown men were and are known for partying with high schoolers.
Pretty much, if they didn't do it then members of the family wouldn't go around using it as as some trophy story, start asking the younger Boones, they are the ones openly talking about it.
Tell us more
Its on Netflix in 2020 guys tell us everything you know in these comments please! Spill it all! Justice needs to be served.
Its on Netflix now! In 2020 talk ppl!
The friends that drove him there KNOW what happened! They need to speak up! Its on Netflix now this case! Its re opened
Is on the new unsolved mysteries on netflix they are re opening it we need your help. What do you know?
I believe you know more. You drove him there. Why didnt you leave with him!? How did you know about the party? What relation do you have to the party host? You know more then you’re saying.
You’re a b****! You and all your white boys. You left him there to die. He didnt mean much to you because he was black. He should never have trusted you guys. You definitely know alot more you were probably scared for you own safety and ditched him. Left him as bait. Karma is a bih
Those “friends” who drove him there are involved. They were on Netflix talking about this case with crocodile tears. It was embarrassing to say the least. They all look guilty they probably set him up
Whats his name!?
Who was the girl he apparently hit on? Whats her name? Were the Boones there?
What was the girl being flirted with name?
Everyone blaming Alonzo's friends are probably Boones
Blame the people who loved that man and not the people who murdered him? You guys suck at social media manipulation. Hire some Russians who are smarter than you.
You know alot more
Just saw it. Case re opening
People spill ALL NAMES of those in attendance that night. Also spill what you witnessed. Who was Alonzo fighting with. Who was the girl he was apparently flirting with? We need names.
PAT BOONE definitely involved look at his facebook page he still has a restaurant he has pics of it https://www.facebook.com/pat.boone.161
Why aren't the feds looking at all the comments made on here from the last 15 years. There is now a Netflix show now where this world wide and everyone cares. A lot more people care now and what justice for this young man and I don't live anywhere near kansas.
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